Data & privacy policy

Realm Bot legal terms to keep your data safe. Last updated: 23/09/2022

Realm Bot only collects the IP of members accepting invites and browser information (public information only). No other data is collected. All data is processed automatically by Realm Bot, No human can see that data. We can edit or delete user data on request.

We will never share or sell your data to anybody.


This Privacy Policy describes Our policies and procedures on the collection, use and disclosure of Your information when You use the Service and tells You about Your privacy rights and how the law protects You. We use Your Personal data to provide Service, this service includes the Realm Bot Discord bot, Realm Bot Beta Discord bot and the domain

By using the Service, You agree to the collection and use of information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Contacting us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, You can contact us:

By email or Support Server

Information we collect

We use cookies on the website ( and any subdomains, 3rd party cookies will be used from external applications such as stripe.

When authorizing with xbox, Realm Bot collects the following information: your xbox account name, xuid, realms and clubs and any images related, associated with your xbox account (excluding private data). No other type of information is connected or recorded.

When authorizing with discord, Realm Bot collects the following information: your username, tag, avatar, guilds and email address however this data is stored in sessions and will be deleted after logout. The email address is used for

When accepting a realm invite, Realm Bot collects the following information: your ip, and browser information. It is then associated with your Xuid (and name) in our database. No other type of information is asked, collected or recorded. IP address is stored privately, that allows us to identity your machine.

Collected the IP address and browser information allows our system to compare it to other accounts' to serve a purpose of preventing alternate accounts from the realm(s). No human will ever see this data, and is automatically processed by the bot.

Accessing your data, editing it and removing it

Accessing your data

You can see your data on the dashboard -> user -> view user data. if you do not have access to the discord account but still would like to access your data, you will need to contact us at proof of account ownership is needed, (xbox account linked to discord. etc.)

Deleting your data

You can also request data deletion. We will erase it permanently from all our databases. This action cannot be undone. Additionally, we will have to prevent you from accepting invites, as the Service will no longer be able to compare data with other accounts and thus guarantee your identity.

Last updated