Settings Tab
This shows all the options in our settings tab and how they function.
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This shows all the options in our settings tab and how they function.
Last updated
In this tab you can configure options such as, channel logs, ban/kick messages (Message on Actions), and account linking.
As the name suggests you can change the log channels for multiple different things such as realm kicks, bans, unbans, and automod (a soon to return feature). This can be useful as you can see logs of who has been kicked from your realm and see if anyone has done something without your authorization.
With this setting you can automatically send Xbox messages to users who are kicked, banned, or unbanned from your realm. You can configure this to include the reason and to include who ran the action within the message.
Account linking is a way to automatically invite people to your realm when they join. Account linking, as the name suggests, links a users Discord and Microsoft account together. You can choose to have it set their discord nickname to their Minecraft gamertag which can be useful in keeping track of different users. When a user account links they will have a limited amount of time to accept an invitation to the realm.